I enjoy Bharti Kher's work, she brings me closer to my work.
Bharti Kher’s work got attention after she moved
to India, New Delhi in 1993 from England, where she was born in 1969 and
raised. She studied at the Middlesex polytechnic, Cat hill, London, 1987- 1988.She
did her BA Honors, Fine Art, Painting at the Foundation Course in Art &
Design Newcastle Polytechnic, Newcastle, England 1988 – 1991 now Lives and
works in New Delhi, India.
Her initials works after
moving back to India have brought a
great impact on her artistic practice through which she examined subtle
conflicts and oppositions grown deeply and apparent in her later works. She is
a painter, photographer, sculptor and installation artist.
It is obvious by her works that she does not get unrest while working with bindis, which she loves to use untiringly, repeatedly over and over again making whatever she desires by the prominent use of different type and colors of all sized bindis of every kind she found in stores and have been artistically increasing her attention to develop her relation with this beautiful yet decorative element of feminine daily practice which Indian women proudly wears ritually, traditionally and in form of their belief, but due to its commonality somewhat it was underestimated or may be for granted, this would be true to say that the way Kher have employed herself with bindi in her art making seems like as if she have owned the medium truly which she herself mentions in her interview to CNN :
"The bindis now for me have become a material," she said. "I took the material; I repeated it again and again and again. I made it mine. I can use them like an alchemist would use or to create something that I don't really know what's going to happen with."

Kher estimated rightly, in a unique style, the beauty and the significance as well as the power of bindis through her work, while observing her fascination to work with bindis one can easily hear by experiencing the works that there is an ongoing inquiry about the identity of a women and whispering conflicts in an austere manner.